Marketing Director

Information The Revolution - Scratching the Surface

As news passes by us; everyday things become ordinary. The great information revolution has caused us to lose part of our humanity by plainly embracing the stories we find most horrifying. At the same time is has given us a new way to personalize streams of information.

Television, newspapers, radio and internet-all four of our great information forms, generally work with the same information. We are lucky to feel the brief respite from the deluge of bad news when positive or informative personal, social, or business stories appear. We are motivated to choose our information by what each of us reads, sees or hears in each medium.

The upside of this revolution is immeasurable and continues to astound. It is atonishing that we can setlle arguments with Wikipedia or catch up on weather and ski conditions in an instant. The ability for people to make purchases of anything they can buy in a global market nearly instantaneously (24 hours a day 7 day s a week) has changed the way we relate to the interactions which are required to bring us what we want, need or desire.

As the information revolution rapidly proceeds towards complete integration with our daily lives we begin to lose some sense of what kind of work goes into each and every thing we use on a daily basis. Information must be gathered, sorted, and rewritten.

News stories are carefullly scrutinized for bad information, poor grammar or incorrect statements. This workload is part of what allows so many people to be employed in the collection, filtration, and distribution of information.

The information age is slowly reaching a crescendo and the most important and exciting question we can ask ourselves is "What's Next?"

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