Nothing works by itself. More importantly none of us work to our best without the aid of capable working partners. This could be the guy who delivers all of your ebay purchases that you then sell on craigslist for a profit or the manager who will clear the way for you to get the
job done right. It could be the co-worker who you work with to
accomplish something amazing. Often it's a family member or a friend giving you the space, listening and advice to work things out.
Nothing amazing happens without the help of others. This is obvious in our new world of social media where recognition from one of the 'right' people can launch a campaign or project into a whole new stratosphere. This is my goal going forward. My goal is be less independent, less self reliant, less willing to ignore the need to engage as many other people as possible to ensure success of any project I am involved in.
At work things are started to grow as the seeds I've been laying for the last year begin to show the first signs of breaking the top soil. Working in education makes things more challenging and more fulfilling at the same time. As an eternal optimist who believes that they can accomplish just about anything my recent revelation that challenges present greater opportunities is driving me forward towards the success I seek.
We must be prepared to go back to the drawing board, learn from things that didn't work then adjust directions quickly and effectively. I want to thank all of you who I've worked with in the past and I hope that I get to work with everyone of you reading this more closely in the future. Without your support there is little I can do. Show your support by sharing BCIT's
Centre for Social Media new website - - with friends, colleagues and the world. A sincere thanks from me :)
Thanks for these thoughts. I'm really happy that I recently got in touch with a journalism school classmate from years ago. I had "too much work" so I explained what I'd done so far and passed two stories to her. It was a big trust thing, since I couldn't let down my client. She apologetically asked a couple of good questions, then came through FTW and sent me the most excellent first draft. Now I can help to keep people supplied with good writing when I have to say no myself. So yes I agree that people trump everything.