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Showing posts with label OS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OS. Show all posts

Google launches Chrome OS at Microsoft Windows. Office 2010 tries to crush Google Docs

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Google has decided it is time to battle with its nemesis Microsoft on all fronts, first on the web with the Chrome browser and now on your computer with it's operating system: Chrome OS. Microsoft, not to be outdone, launched Bing, their new search engine which with tons of advertising is quickly gaining market share. David Pogue of the New York Times wrote this great article, Bing VS Google, at the launch of Bing comparing it to that old dog, Google.

Last week Google announced its new Chrome OS (Operating System) based on its Chrome browser and the blogosphere became engrossed once again in the Microsoft VS Google battle. Chrome is mainly targeted at netbooks and web browsing devices. It will not replace Andriod, Google's underdeveloped mobile platform. Acer already has plans to use the new Chrome OS in it's new netbooks. The difference here is cost to computer manufacturers who traditionally paid Microsoft about $20/computer for Windows. These manufacturers can now choose to use Google's Chrome OS for FREE as it is open source software.

Google's business plan is to ensure that you spend more time online. Google makes money when people are online as Ben Parr of Mashable points out so well in his recent post. Google is ubiquitous in the online advertising game and owns most advertising means online. Google's idea is that anytime you spend with a desktop game or application is time Google is not getting your eyeballs on its ads. Expect to see more and more applications and games to replace the desktop experience from Google in the future.

Microsoft yesterday announced its newest release of Microsoft Office in the shadow of Google's OS announcement from Thursday. An intended outcome of the timing of Google's announcement. The new version of Office will be called 2010 and is expected to hit shelves in North America a year from now. The new release upgrades the long used program in a few minor ways. The major changes, web integration and collaboration tools, came as a direct attack on Google's successful web-based office suite, Google Docs.

Vancouver Bridges Panorama - E
A little iPhone Photography of Vancouver to end this post.